Florian Wüst


Born 1970, in Munich, Germany
Lives and works in Berlin and Rotterdam.

Florian Wüst is a visual artist and film curator. He studied Fine Arts at the Braunschweig School of Art and participated in the Master of Arts
programme at the Piet Zwart Institute for postgraduate studies and research, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam. Recent exhibitions include "EmotionEins", Frankfurter Kunstverein (2004); "Circa Berlin", Nikolaj Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen (2005); "Re:MODERN. Zur Renaissance der ästhetischen Moderne in der Gegenwartskunst", Künstlerhaus Wien (2005); "re:site montréal", Oboro, Montréal (2005); "This Land is My Land", Kunsthalle Nürnberg (2006); "We all laughed at Christopher Columbus", Stedelijk Museum Bureau, Amsterdam; Platform Garanti, Istanbul (2006). Recent curatorial projects include "Catastrophe", Special Program at the 48th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (2002); "Alternative
Histories of Modern Conflict", Impakt Festival, Utrecht; Imperial War Museum, London (2003); 6th Werkleitz Biennale Common Property, Halle (Saale) (2004); "Touching Politics", Kino Arsenal, Berlin (2005); "Stadt und Demokratie", FilmBühne Caligari, Wiesbaden (2006); "Wer sagt denn, dass Beton nicht brennt, hast Du's probiert? West-Berlin 80er Jahre", Kino Arsenal, Berlin (2006) (together with Stefanie Schulte Strathaus).