Chus Martinez


born in Ponteceso, Spain, in 1972.

Sinnce 2005, Chus Martinez is Director of the Frankfurter Kunstverein. Between 2002 and 2005 she curated projects at Sala Rekalde in Bilbao.
She has always been interested in the relationship between theory and practice, and in how, after the linguistic turn, the Anglo-Saxon philosophical tradition focuses on finding a definition for art, whereas the Continental School tries to shed light on the concept of experience through art. For this reason she is currently writing a doctoral thesis about the interface between aesthetics and art philosophy.
She completed an M.A. in Curatorial Studies, with the help of Fulbright Scholarship, at Bard College, NY. During this time she co-ran the art-space Parkers box together with Alun Williams, in Williamsburg (Brooklyn, NYC). There she organized several projects and exhibitions, mostly with Williamsburg-based artists in NY and a survey exhibition of art in Barcelona.
Between 2001 and 2002 she held a position in Barcelona´s “la Caixa” Foundation, charged with programming Sala Montcada. The program, called “Lowest Common Denominator”, was aimed at exploring how artists´, curators´, institutions´ and the audience´s expectations towards an exhibitionary project contribute to its processual transformations, and are able to re-locate working premises. The idea being that we have an idea of the condition in which we work and the principles we should or should not follow - but what happens, for example, if an artist accepts the invitation, but decides to transform the gallery into an extension of the urban space, inserting all types of city infrastructures, like garbage containers etc., for every-day use? During one year we did this exercise with Dora García, Begoña Muñoz, Oriol Font, Elmgreen & Dragset, and Tobias Rehberger.