Anthony Auerbach

Lives and Works in London

In 1992 he founded the Vargas Organisation in London. From 1999 to 2004 he devised and organised an international programme of contemporary art for the Austrian Cultural Forum London. Since 2002 he has performed the role of Chief of Propaganda (Archiving and Epistemological Crit ique) in the International Necronautical Society (founded by Tom McCarthy, 1999). In 2004 he launched the project Video as Urban Condition.

Personal Statement:

“The term ‘curator’ covers a variety of functions such as organiser, publicist, promoter, interpreter and author of more or less temporary and more or less fictional events. The term ‘artist’ masks art’s essential mediations and produces institutional dependency. My work as artist and as curator does not suppose that the two lie on opposite sides of institutional boundaries. My transgressions have been motivated by the desire to expand the private sphere of art production and engage with other practices, places and the public sphere.”
