Kuratorisk Aktion



Founded in 2005. Based in Berlin and Copenhagen

Kuratorisk Aktion is a platform for curators engaged in a critical practice along the lines of race, class, gender, and sexuality. The platform was founded by Danish-born curators Frederikke Hansen and Tone Olaf Nielsen in spring 2005. Merging feminist, queer, and activist informed approaches, Kuratorisk Aktion pledge themselves to raise consciousness on the politics of representation and translate this consciousness into practice. We attempt to achieve this through a 65/35 percent representation of minoritarian and majoritarian subjectivities respectively in all our productions, at the same time as we open this procedure up to critique as part of the curatorial methodology. In this way, Kuratorisk Aktion hope to demonstrate a politically correct practice – one, however, that steers clear of tokenism and allows alternative thinking to be the dominant trait, not only in terms of the identity politics of the participants but more importantly in terms of their practice.

 Since August 2005, Kuratorisk Aktion have been employed at NIFCA, Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art in Helsinki, where they have just realized the comprehensive project Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts (Reykjavik, Iceland; Nuuk, Greenland; Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands; and Rovaniemi, Finnish Sápmi, 2006). Kuratorisk Aktion’s employment at NIFCA will end in December 2006, upon which the collective hopes to establish a research institute for long-term aesthetic, theoretical, and activist interrogations into global socio-political issues. Kuratorisk Aktion is presently also working on realizing the project What’s Left of the Left? Rethinking Left-Wing Politics in the Age of Globalization.
