
The archive opened at the New Media Art space, [plug in] in Basel, Switzerland on the 31st of January 2003. Since then it has been exhibited at the Centre D'Art Contemporain in Geneva, the Künstlerhaus in Bremen and the OK Centre for contemporary art in Linz.

In 2005 the archive toured the UK , with the support of the Arts Council of England and the Uni. of West England in Bristol. It visited Bristol (at Spike Island, during the Situations conference), Birmingham (International Project Space, Bournville)

Sunderland (Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art) and London (Artlab at Imperial College). In the same year it also visited Lüneburg (Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, with cooperation Uni. Lüneburg), Berlin (Sparwasser HQ) and Edinburgh (Edinburgh College of Art Gallery).


In 2006 the archive was displayed at the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan, at various venues and events in Zürich and at the Insa Art Space in Seoul. In 2007 it was presented by Association Drash at Point Ephemere in Paris and in a mobile display by Rakett in Bergen, Norway.

2008 the archive travelled to the West Cork Arts Centre in Ireland and Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic in Zagreb, Croatia.

(for details and images of the archive's travels see below)


29. OCTOBER – 15. NOVEMBER 2008

Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic
Zagreb, Croatia

Curators Ana Janevski and Ivana Mestrov invited the Curating Degree Zero Archive to Zagreb. The installation of the archive in the Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic in collaboration with a group of young curating students and designed by Dora Budor & Maja Cule.

A text on the archive's presence in Zagreb can be found on the gallery web site:


  15. MARCH – 19. APRIL 2008

West Cork Arts Centre
Skibbereen, Ireland

On the invitation of Ann Davoren, director of the West Cork Arts Centre, the artist, educator and curator Mick Wilson organised the exhibition, in relation to his work with the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media in Dublin.

The archive was displayed in a straightforward manner and visitors also encountered audio recordings of specially conducted interviews with a selected number of curators and arts practitioners.

The Arts Centre hosted the seminar entitled “Talking Curators: Reviewing 10 Years of Curatorial Discourse”, an afternoon of presentations and debate chaired by Mick Wilson. The seminar featured contributions from Paul O Neill, Mike Fitzpatrick, Aisling Prior, Georgina Jackson and Pippa Little.

Documentation of the archive’s presence in Skibbereen can be found at: http://gradcam.ie/cdz

  20. SEPTEMBER – 7. OCTOBER 2007

Bergen, Norway

The artist duo Rakett will be hosting the Curating Degree Zero Archive in Bergen September the 20th to October 7th 2007. With a focus on collaborative activity and mediation we will arrange talks, debates, performances, concerts and presentations together with invited artists, curators, architects, thinkers and other cultural producers. All events are from different perspectives, taking the Curating Degree Zero Archive material as a point of departure. During the project Rakett will have the archive as our extended plattform, and wish to take part in the public discussion around the expanding field of art and curatorial collaborative practices. Program see web site:

  16. JUNE – 8. JULY 2007

Point Éphémère
200 Quai de Valmy, Paris

Presentation and re-interpretation of the Archive by Association Drash: Celia Cretien, Marie de Bouard, Mélanie Mermod.
With artistic contributions from: Nicolas Floc'h, Yann Sérandour, Aloïs Godinat et Jean-Christophe Huguenin, Körner Union

Activities included a weeklong workshop with an international group of young curators, resulting in a fanzine.


20 DECEMBER 2006 – 4 FEBRUARY 2007

Insa Art Space.
Arts Council Korea, 90 Wanseo-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea

Display and re-interpretation by Sasa(44) & MeeNa Park

Opening talk and discussion 4pm December 20th.







  7. – 8. JULY 2006

‘Trailer’ – Zürich.
Festival der Künste & Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich.

Exhibition organised and staffed by students of the Postgraduate Program in Curating and displayed in the program’s mobile project space `Trailer’.


Archive re-interpreted through interactive interventions by Kristin Bauer, Isabel Münster, Sabina Pfenninger & Karin Seinsoth.


30. MAY – 15. JUNE 2006

NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti.
Via C. Darwin, Milan.

Exhibition organised by Marco Scotini & Maurizio Bortolotti as part of the program The Utopian Display.

Installation designed and re-interpreted by Gruppo A12

The Archive was invited to Milan as a result of the efforts of the curators: Daniele Balit, Cecilia Canziani & Benedetta di Loreto.



Edinburgh College of Art, Lauriston Place, Edinburgh.
Flexible Display System designed and built by Duncan Bremner.

A curator’s talk and public opening took place on the 20th October.



Sparwasser HQ, Torstr. 161, Berlin Mitte
Display and reinterpretation: Lise Nellemann

In Sparwasser HQ the archive was made accessible as a normal library, orderd alphabetically and logically, the space was divided into areas for reading publications and for viewing videos, digital documentation and websites. Nellemann’s reinterpretation involved encouraging the ‘performing’ of the archive. She coordinated 10 evening public events, during which curators/ artist-curators /artists were invited to present their favourite, curated projects from the archive.

Download Events Report as PDF (English)



27. MAY – 26. JUNE 2005

Artlab at Imperial College, London
Installation design and archive reinterpretation by Artlab, Jeanine Richards and Charlotte Cullinan.

Discussion Event
"Curating is part of my practice"
Serpentine Gallery, The Sackler Centre of Arts Education.
26th of May 2005, 11am - 5pm

Speakers: Henrik Schrat, Paul O’Neill, Lise Nelleman and Artlab, Jeanine Richards + Charlotte Cullinan.

  22. APRIL – 19. MAY 2005

Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art , Sunderland
Installation design and archive reinterpretation by Gavin Wade

Discussion Event
“Curating can be learned, but can it be taught?”
19th May 2005, 11 am – 5pm

Liliane Schneiter, Tim Brennan, Stevan Vukovic and Dorothee Richter.

  17. MARCH – 13. APRIL 2005

International Project Space
University of Central England, Bournville, Birmingham.

Installation designed and reinterpreted by Tim Brennan.


12. FEBRUARY – 6. MARCH 2005

Halle fuer Kunst
Reichenbachstr. 2
D-21335 Lüneburg

Installation designed and reinterpreted by Reinigungsgesellschaft. (Martin Keil and Henrik Mayer)

In with cooperation Uni. Lüneburg

  3. - 6. FEBRUARY 2005

Spike Island Art Space
133 Cumberland Rd, Bristol

Installation designed and re-interpreted by Julian Claxton Karen Di Franco, Toby Huddleston, Laura Mansfield, Lizi Sanchez and Daniel Stringer.

Launch of the UK tour – 4th of February 6-8pm, In association with the Situations Conference , The Wrong Place: Rethinking Context in Contemporary Art.

  10. OCTOBER - 9. NOVEMBER 2003

O.K. Centrum für Gegenwartskunst
Dametzstrasse 30
A-4020 Linz
Tel: +43 (0)

Guest Project:
"Do you really want it that much?" - "More!"
by Volker Eichelmann, Jonathan Faiers and Roland Rust (1998-2002)

  8. AUGUST - 15. SEPTEMBER 2003

Künstlerhaus Bremen
Am Deich 68/69
D-29199 Bremen
Tel: +49 (0)

Organisation: Sabine Kochanke
Exhibition Design: Elektrosmog, Barnaby Drabble,
Dorothee Richter

Additional Design: Hops Bornemann
Developed with the support of: Kulterstiftung des Bundes

The additional program in Bremen included:
Short Presentations and Discussion on Critical Curating
8th August 2003 7-10pm

Speakers: Barnaby Drabble, Helmut Draxler, Frederikke Hansen, Dorothee Richter, Stella Rollig
Brunch: 9th September 11 am
In Cooperation with the art project "No Man is an Island", GAK, Bremen

  3. MAY - 15. JUNE 2003

Centre d'Art Contemporain Geneva
10 rue des Vieux Grenadiers
CH-1205 Geneva
Tel: +41 (0)

Developed in collaboration with: the students of the postgraduate program CCC (critical curatorial cybermedia) of the Ecole Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Geneva, HES

Download Intervention Statement PDF (French)

Production: Centre d'Art Contemporain Geneva
Exhibition Design: Elektrosmog, Barnaby Drabble,
Dorothee Richter

Technical Assistance: Denis Pernet
Music: MENTALGROOVE RECORDS, Geneva www.mentalgroove.ch

  31. JANUARY - 8. MARCH 2003

St. Alban-Rheinweg 64
CH-4052 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)

With the Generous support of:
Migros Kulturprozent & Birsig Stiftung.
Also: Freitag Bags, Xess+Baba, Swallow-D, Prognose,
D-bag, Remova, Louis Vuitton, Surprise, Adidas
and many others.

Production: Centre d'Art Contemporain Geneva
Exhibition Design: Elektrosmog, Annette Schindler, Wolfgang Hockenjos, Patrick Parisi

The organisers wish to particularly thank [plug.in] for their work on the initial production of the archive, and the initial design of the website
