Clémentine Deliss


Lives in London UK but works from city to city

Clémentine Deliss is a curator, researcher and publisher. Since 1996 she has produced the writers' and artists' organ "Metronome" which was presented at Documenta X, and recently shown at the Galerie Chantal Crousel in Paris. In the last years she has held guest professorships at the Stþdelschule in Frankfurt, at the Academy of Fine Art in Oslo, and has conducted specific research projects through the support of art academies in Vienna, Edinburgh, Bordeaux, Bergen, Copenhagen, Malmš, Stockholm, and Dakar (together with the Laboratoire Agit'Art, Tenq, and at the 'Campement Chinois'). She is currently working on a comparative analysis of the global future of the art academy. Her main theoretical interests include research into bridging mechanisms between artists working in different parts of the world, notions of criminal information, the status of the verbal in today's art practice, and curatorial modalities that go beyond the exhibition. She has a PhD in philosophy (on eroticism and French anthropology in the 1920s), and was born in 1960 in London of French-Austrian parents.
